Monday, October 11, 2010

PLN Activity - Day 3

PLN Work for Day 3

Questions about how to add links, embeds, etc?  
1.  Add links to jccs wikis on your blog
2.  Add link to textbook resources
3.  Check out some of your peers’ blogs

in the jheil65 network, search the tags: jccs & blog
Find at least one Interesting blog and complete the following in a post titled, “Delicious”:
1.  What is the site(s) you found? Add a link to the site you found
2.  What are some interesting things you learned?
3.  Comment on at least one peer who has different site.

Once you are signed in to twitter, search for the #jccstech hashtag
Complete the following in a post titled “twitter”
1.  Find the retweet that lists Twitter for Learning - 55 great articles.  Click on the link, read one of the articles.
2. What are some interesting things you learned?
3. Comment on at least one peer who has a different article.

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